Check transaction
Verify successful or unseccessful transaction.
Service workflow
- Redirect the customer’s browser to the merchant’s url along with such general information as transaction number and status.
- Merchant uses this information to request transaction confirmation by the Golomt bank.
Reason to check a transaction
As there is no way to confirm the accuracy of the information coming from the customer, it is necessary to re-check by sending a request to the bank for security reasons.
It is recommended to re-check by sending us a confirmation request if there is no response from the customer at the end of the Session.
A timer is included in the web page to eliminate such problems as a customer who filled the card information but left without finishing the transaction. The transaction is cancelled automatically if it is not finished within 2-10 minutes. The time can be adjusted for the merchant.
As the timer (10 min) on the web page expires, the merchant sends a check request to the bank system and receives information about the payment performance.
Function calling path
Parameters required for merchant’s check request
Json :
"checksum": "string",
"transactionId": "string"
Parameter | Type | Size | Description |
transactionId | String | 256 | Unique transaction number transferred from the organization |
checksum | String | 256 | checksum = transactionId + transactionId |
checksum read this link for details.
Example of successful transaction
"status": "SENT",
"amount": "1",
"bank": "Голомт банк",
"errorDesc": "Амжилттай",
"checksum": "8e2538fac797d6828.....................3c6863f60aac",
"errorCode": "000",
"cardHolder": "Golomt bank",
"transactionId": "test000001",
"cardNumber": "949625******0003",
"token": "9ffd1bb0544990........b0feaae5f8ee3d824e"
Example of unsuccessful transaction
"status": "SENT",
"amount": "1",
"bank": "Голомт банк",
"errorDesc": "Картын хугацаа дууссан",
"checksum": "8e2538fac797d6828ca93c34a4487c54e75803a18978d425dfec3c6863f60aac",
"errorCode": "300",
"cardHolder": "Golomt bank",
"transactionId": "test000001",
"cardNumber": "949625******0003"
Parameter definition
Parameter | Type | Definition |
status | String | SENT=Payment information is sent, PENDING=Payment is pending |
amount | String | Amount withdrawn from the card |
bank | String | Card issuer bank |
checksum | String | checksum = transactionId + errorCode + amount + token When token is not created token token field is not included |
errorCode | String | See transaction status code here |
cardHolder | String | Card holder |
transactionId | String | Merchant's transaction number |
cardNumber | String | Transaction card number |
token | String | Token number to present the card |